Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you play hard to get? -a girl who needs help with guys...her first time dating?

hey...i do you play hard to get? and does it work? i need help! i have only had a bf in 5th grade....please help me!How do you play hard to get? -a girl who needs help with guys...her first time dating?
dont do hard to get, it just makes them think that ur not interested, and they lose hopeHow do you play hard to get? -a girl who needs help with guys...her first time dating?
only works with extremely good looking guys who can get any girl they want but want a challenge and get turned on by pursuing a girl who is hard to get.
The only way to have a ';real'; relationship, is to be yourself, ';games'; always end, with a winner and a loser, don't they?
You are too little to be worrying about such things.
playing games is stupid.
someone flirts with you dont flirt back
No, it does not work and it's not appreciated.
OMG! DON'T PLAY HARD TO GET! no one will like you except players

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